FS2002 Boeing BBJ 737 United Arab Emirates Government A6-DAS

The United Arab Government operate at least three of these aircraft
on VIP duties, but also for services such as transporting patients
to overseas hospitals to receive treatment which is presumably not
available at home.
I'm only speculating about that, but the UAE used to own a very
luxurious and advanced hospital in Scotland, and at that time there
were occasional visits by UAE Government aircraft carrying patients
to stay there. A large variety of types were used, from the A300 and
767-300 to smaller types such as the Falcon 900. The BBJs came along
after they had sold the hospital, but I assume they now perform
that duty elsewhere.
A number of Middle East Aristocracy own land in Scotland (presumably
used for hunting and other up-market activities), and this has resulted
in visits by their jets, even such exotica as the 747SP and the
A340. The last Transatlantic aircraft to leave Glasgow on September 11th
2002 was an A340 of the Jordanian Government which had been in Scotland
on a similar visit!(or so I've been told)

I hope you enjoy flying this aircraft, which is a repaint
of FFG's wonderful Boeing 737 BBJ model. Full details
of the highly skilled creators of this model are detailed
elsewhere in this archive, but just in case you dont read
any of the other files, I detail them below.

Have fun flying!

Gerry McLaughlin February 2003 gmcl122@aol.com

This file will not harm your computer, but by installing it,
you take the risk. Everything in the file is Copyright, and
cannot be sold, uploaded to any site which charges a fee, or
included in compilation CD-rom etc etc! In particular, the
United Arab Emirate Government repaint is my copyright and cant
be adapted to another repaint without my permission.

The Freeware Flight Group's 737 NG series was designed with
Louis Sinclair's FSDS (FS Design Studio).
Original Design : Matts Falck & Steve Reyling /FFG
Animation : Matts Falck & Steve Reyling/FFG
Masters textures : Pascal Linder/FFG
Flight model : Dave Page/FFG
Textures : Repainted from Jorge Oppenheimer's Privatair BBJ
by Gerry McLaughlin.
A few parts of the original repaint have been retained
because,not only are they very good, but they give the
resulting repaint a 'family resemblance' which is nice
if you have their other excellent models.


This aircraft and its textures are copyright of Freeware Flight Group.
The Flight Dynamics are copyright of Freeware Flight Group.
The source FSC is copyright of Freeware Flight Group.

It is protected under International copyright law.

*BEWARE* copyright violators WILL be pursued and prosecuted under this legislation.